Labels for durable identification
Making use of special materials and indelible printing techniques, Arca’s “durable” labels are designed to last a long time, guaranteeing identification for a product’s entire lifecycle. Polyester, Kapton and other specific polymers, equipped with specially formulated adhesives, are resistant to the most severe thermal, chemical and mechanical stress. The printing of variable data, a digital process implemented during the labeling phase (for maximum flexibility), can also prove suitably resistant; the key is to make use of the right thermal transfer ribbon, compatible with the label material. Arca designs complete projects, selecting all system components through precision testing; to guarantee effective labeling and an efficient print process.

Labels for durable identification
Making use of special materials and indelible printing techniques, Arca’s “durable” labels are designed to last a long time, guaranteeing identification for a product’s entire lifecycle. Polyester, Kapton and other specific polymers, equipped with specially formulated adhesives, are resistant to the most severe thermal, chemical and mechanical stress. The printing of variable data, a digital process implemented during the labeling phase (for maximum flexibility), can also prove suitably resistant; the key is to make use of the right thermal transfer ribbon, compatible with the label material. Arca designs complete projects, selecting all system components through precision testing; to guarantee effective labeling and an efficient print process.